least tern distribution
Some parts of this site work best with JavaScript enabled. The Least tern, as its name suggests, is the smallest of the Americas’ terns. They winter along coastal areas of Central and South America and the Caribbean Islands, but not a lot is known about their wintering areas. Nesting habitat includes sparsely vegetated river sandbars, sandpits, and reservoir beaches. The least tern is a species of tern that breeds in North America and locally in northern South America. Males and females appear identical with a black crown, white forehead, gray back, gray wings above with white below, orange legs and a black-tipped yellow bill. Title Least Tern Range - CWHR B234 [ds1507] Publication date 2016-02-0100:00:00 Presentation formats digital map FGDC geospatial presentation format vector digital data Other citation details These are the same layers as appear in the CWHR System software. in conflicts of use and loss of considerable Least Tern. During extremely hot weather, a parent tern may soak its belly in water and then drip the cooling water onto their eggs or chicks. This species lives and nests in colonies, parents within a colony defending their nesting territory against intruders. Ten It is a small tern, 22–24 cm long, with a wingspan of 50 cm, and weighing 39–52 g. The upper parts are a fairly uniform pale gray, and the underparts white. April to August is the main period for breeding and birds usually remain within the breeding territory between 3 and 5 months. Close Sidle et al. Least terns prefer a sandy beach for nesting, but will use a building’s flat gravel roof. They winter mainly along northern South America’s coast, including Brazil to Colombia. Least terns are widespread and are common in places, but the nesting habit they prefer is sought after for residential development, human recreation, and alteration by the diversion of water, which interferes with nesting in many areas. Interior Least Terns breed in the interior of North America, primarily along major river systems, although these … 17:61-66. Craig, A. M. 1971. 2001). That said, in the east in some areas near the coast these terns are now successfully nesting on gravel roofs. Maine’s beaches are used by tens of thousands of visitors annually during the least tern nesting … Other close relatives include the yellow-billed tern and Peruvian tern, both from South America. Florida Field Nat. The listed population included only those least terns that breed and nest within the boundary of the continental United States on interior rivers and other water bodies. Distribution of the Least Tern in interior North America. The defense behavior of adult Least terns when an intruder enters the nesting area, has earned them the name of “little striker.” They will dive bomb and defecate on intruders. California Dept. The smallest of American terns, the Least Tern is found nesting on sandy beaches along the southern coasts of the United States and up the major river systems far into the interior of the continent. They favor open habitat and are typically found near any bodies of water, such as sea coasts, gravel and shell and beaches, islands, bays, lakes, lagoons, estuaries, unobstructed river channels, and salt flats that are associated with reservoirs and rivers. . However, Least Terns in some parts of the east are now nesting successfully on gravel roofs near the coast. One study found population numbers on Long Island increased by 49% from 1974 to 1997 but a different analysis method demonstrated a decline since 1983 (Brown et al. The least tern is the smallest tern in North America. The least tern is largely distributed in North America. Habitat selection and productivity of Least Terns on the lower Platte River, Nebraska. Least terns travel four miles or more (6+ km) from their colony seeking the small fish that from a large part of their diet. Colloquially known as the “little striker” for its headlong dives in pursuit of fish, the Least Tern is, as its name suggests, North America’s smallest tern. Nesting habitat includes sparsely vegetated river sandbars, sandpits, and reservoir beaches. They also plunge-dive, as do other terns, hovering above their prey and then suddenly dropping into the sea. Information based on reports from birders in Least tern is ranked as Vulnerable in New York and as Imperiled in Massachusetts and Connecticut. Its small size—not quite the size of a robin—yellow bill, and triangular white patch on its forehead distinguish it from other terns found in North Carolina. They winter mainly along northern South America’s coast, including Brazil to Colombia. Information on least tern habitat, population distribution and status was collected from scientific literature, least tern management plans and New Hampshire Fish and Game data. Distribution of the Tern. Least Terns declined in distribution in New York from 87 blocks in the first atlas (1980-85) to 69 blocks in the second (2000-2005) a reduction of 21% (McGowan and Corwin 2008). The smallest of American terns, the Least Tern is found nesting on sandy beaches along the southern coasts of the United States and up the major river systems far into the interior of the continent. Populations are endangered in many areas because of human impacts on nesting areas, especially competition for use of beaches. data; Kushlan and White 1985) and suggests that the Least Tern breeding population along the mainline Keys has remained relatively stable during the past 10-15 years. Least Terns are common summer residents along the coast and rare to locally uncommon at scattered locations inland (Lockwood and Freeman 2004). Breeding status and distribution of the least tern in the Florida Keys. About the Big Breeding Range: Interior Least Terns' breeding range stretches across the interior of the United States along the Mississippi, Missouri, and Rio Grande Rivers and their tributaries. desired spots for recreation and development, resulting. These birds are serially monogamous, pairs staying together for the entirety of the breeding season. Sometimes they will dip down to pick up prey from the surface of the water or from land, and they may catch insects on the wing. This species is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. Casey A Lott, 1 Robert L Wiley, 2 Richard A Fischer, 3 Paul D Hartfield, 4 and J Michael Scott 5 Data Quality The Birds of North America web site has excellent distribution information, annual membership required.. Visit the eBird web site to report sightings of the American Goldfinch and to view current and some historical information on a state-by-state basis. One to three eggs are laid, of a buff or pale green color with dark blotches. On May 28, 1985, we published a final rule in the Federal Register (50 FR 21784) listing the Interior least tern as endangered, due to the low numbers and scattered distribution of the tern and to threats to the bird's breeding habitat. Birds of New York state. Least terns fly over water to forage, hovering then plunging to catch prey that are just below the water's surface. Historically, the Least Tern probably was not an abundant nester in the Florida Keys. Bull, J. Wildlife Monographs 132. Close Kirsch 1996). On October 19, 1990, we released a recovery plan for the Interior population of the least tern (Service 1990). Terns are treated as a subgroup of the family Laridae which includes gulls and skimmers and consist of eleven genera. It is closely related to, and was formerly often considered conspecific with, the little tern of the Old World. Although breeding distribution along the Texas coast is similar on the TBBA map and that in Oberholser (1974), the latter shows far fewer records along the Red River, suggesting population growth there. This species winters from the Gulf Coast and Central America south to Peru … Endangered. Description. Winter Range: Not a lot is known about Least Terns' winter range, but they are known to winter … Inside least terns traditionally nested alongside sand and gravel bars of the Decrease Mississippi River and its main tributaries, together with Missouri, Purple, Ohio, and Arkansas rivers. Groups of them often hover near the surface of the water with their quick, flickering wing beats, catching small fish and invertebrates. Fish and Game, Project W54R-4. Interior Least Tern: Distribution. In 1991, w… Populations can be found along the Pacific Coast of California and Mexico, along many of the interior rivers, and along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. In breeding plumage both sexes have a black cap and nape, white forehead, grayish back and wings, snowy white underparts, orange legs, and a black-tipped orange-yellow bill. Least Tern on The IUCN Red List site -, http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/22694673/0, The call of the least tern is a high-pitched “zeep", "zreep,” or “kit.”. The breeding range extended from Colonies occur locally along the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. Interior Least Tern (Sternula antillarum) breeding distribution and ecology: implications for population-level studies and the evaluation of alternative management strategies on large, regulated rivers. For these reasons the species is evaluated as Least Concern. Doubleday/Natural History Press, Garden City, New York. Terns are seabirds in the family Laridae that have a worldwide distribution and are normally found near the sea, rivers, or wetlands. According to the New Mexico Avian Conservation Partners resource, the breeding population of the Least tern in North America numbers 60,000-100,000 and the population in New Mexico consists of only several breeding pairs. This species for most states in North America is classified as either threatened, endangered, or of concern, due to loss of nesting habitat, the interior population having been federally listed since 1985 as endangered. Least terns can reach a length between 8.3-9.1 inches (21-23 centimeters) with a wingspan of 21-23 inches (53-58 centimeters) (Thompson et al., 1997). They start to fly when they are just under 3 weeks old, and may stay with their parents for as long as 3 months. The least tern has a nearly worldwide distribution. The endangered Interior Least Tern (Sterna antillarum athalassos) breeds inland along the Missouri, Mississippi, Colorado, Arkansas, Red, and Rio Grande River systems.
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