lodge a request

While Hobart is just a 30-minute drive away, the area retains the beauty, charm and heritage of a bygone era. If the Spanish authorities wish to eliminate or add new, (2) Möchten die spanischen Behörden Waren aus den Listen in den Anhängen II und III dieser Verordnung, als Übersetzung von "lodge a request" vorschlagen. in line with the relevant provisions of the basic anti-dumping regulations. that they had not received the information they were entitled to in order to prepare their defence. Scroll down to the City Councils and Shire Councils lists. Email. By letter of 16 January 2006, I informed DONG that subsequent to Article 8 of Commission Decision 2001/462/EC, ECSC of 23 May 2001 on the terms of reference of hearing officers in certain. Translations of the phrase LODGED A REQUEST from english to spanish and examples of the use of "LODGED A REQUEST" in a sentence with their translations: the inspectorate lodged a request … Nutzen Sie die weltweit besten KI-basierten Übersetzer für Ihre Texte, entwickelt von den Machern von Linguee. An open-air deck at our Mount Kenya lodge gazes down to a water hole bustling with elephant and buffalo herds. Any competent civil aviation authority in the Community may decide that air carriers, including those not operating in the territory of the Member States to which the Treaty applies, might lodge a request with that authority to subject the air carrier so requesting to systematic checks in order to verify its likelihood of compliance with the relevant safety standards. Global Support Network. Ist die persönlich von der Untersuchung betroffene Person der Auffassung, dass die in Artikel 6 Absatz 5. to lodge sth. Art. The Right to Information Act 2009 aims to make more information available, provide equal access to information across all sectors of the community, and provide appropriate protection for individuals' privacy. Any competent civil aviation authority in the Community may decide that air carriers, including those not operating in the territory of the Member States to which the Treaty applies, m, Jede zuständige Zivilluftfahrtbehörde in der Gemeinschaft kann beschließen, dass Luftfahrtunternehmen - einschließlich solcher, die nicht in dem Gebiet der Mitgliedstaaten tät, A problem arises in Germany, which does not keep any permanent electoral. Phone number. But Serbia's leaders have been warned that this will rile countries that have recognised Kosovo, including 22 of the 27 EU member states.Serbia lodged a request for EU candidate status in December. Contact us online. Documents held by Council include paper files, microfiche, print-outs, computer records, files, visual material, and audio recordings. Being a terminologist, I care about word choice. Seattle Seahawks Community: The official source of the latest Seahawks community news, videos, photos, and information. in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article  14a, within ten working days of receiving the conclusions of the final report. ... you may request that it should be kept confidential by completing . The Safra Lodge may only be used by individuals with an address of 50 miles or more from the Clinical Center. I would use "lodge a request" if a very formal procedure is required, for example you may need to "lodge a request for information" with the city council in … This is the first step in creating a simple and convenient online system to improve our services to you and make it easier for you to interact with us. required to complete a questionnaire in order to enable the Commission to determine whether an exemption may be warranted. Documents held by Council include paper files, print-outs, computer records, files, visual material, and audio recordings. Mit den Kollisionsregeln des Vorschlags soll sichergestellt werden, dass die Gerichte eines jeden Mitgliedstaates in der Regel dasselbe materielle, law rules may apply, depending on the Member State where the applicant or. Ask a question, report a problem, lodge a request or provide your feedback. Every new lodge must be warranted or chartered by a Grand Lodge, but is subject to its direction only in enforcing the published constitution of the jurisdiction. “The form is accessed via our website home page, and is simple to fill out. The Huon Valley Council covers 5497km² and is the southernmost local government area in Australia. Documents held by Council include paper files, microfiche, print-outs, computer records, files, visual material, and audio recordings. Courses. The public will start to weigh in next month on the possible future uses of Oak Bay Lodge. Details of your request. SEND IN A REQUEST. “This is one way we’re improving the customer experience, which is a strong focus for Council. This is a key part of our new Customer Promise and … If you wish to lodge a request or report an issue you can complete the form below or contact us.

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