courageous conversations protocol

3. Bold conversations about race: a field guide to justice […] Corpus ID: 142939758. Some features of the site may not work correctly. Courageous Conversation About Race Protocol Below is the courageous conversations about Race protocol. Discover (and save!) Timeline. The Four Agreements Courageous Conversations Protocol 2. Pacific Educational Group is a consulting firm committed to forging racial equity. Practical guidance from an expert on the Protocol for Courageous Conversations About Race; Convenient, flexible online format; 45 PD hours or 3 graduate credits; Skills You'll Learn. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. We empower individuals to use our Protocol and Racial Equity Framework to lead healthy courageous conversations about race. The alternative to having a courageous conversation is to tread the path of least resistance, which involves ignoring or avoiding the subject altogether. summit. Embracing these agreements will allow educators to engage, sustain, and deepen interracial dialogue. In this courageous conversation, she opened up about how hard it is to talk about race “outside the family”. Glenn E. Singleton (Glenn Eric). Courageous Conversations About Race Practitioner Certification. Educational Technology and Media, B.S., Biology & Elementary Education, Colorado-State University-Pueblo, M.A. You are currently offline. Author, thought leader, and strategist, he is the creator of Courageous Conversation™, a protocol and framework for sustained, deepened dialogue, and Beyond Diversity™, the curriculum that has taught hundreds of thousands of people how to use it. Welcome to ENGAGE in Courageous Conversation! Using Courageous Conversation to Achieve Equity in Schools Resource: Racism and the Achievement Gap References Index. Description: The Practitioner Programme supports participants to build capability and practice to serve as Courageous Conversation™ Practitioners within their personal lives, industry sectors and communities. Courageous Conversations. The tools are available to encourage ongoing dialogue, curiosity and as a model for creating positive … Digital image. In fact, that's kind of the point! “Courageous Conversations Protocol,” a series of writing exercises a reader can conduct after having begun work with the Six Conditions. Until we work together at your next E-Teams seminar, stay engaged, and have courageous conversations about race! Founded by Glenn E. Singleton in 1992, Pacific Educational Group is committed to achieving racial equity in the U.S. and beyond. in African-American Studies, Columbia University, M.A. Courageous Conversation – Facilitating Racial Equity, Diversity and Inclusion for Millions of Leaders Around the World Using Familiar Designs, Political Signs Urge Voters to Remember Police Brutality Victims To Create Racial Change, Advertising Must ‘Envision a World That Doesn’t Exist’ Latinx Leaders Advancing Educational & Racial Equity Apr 9, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Christina Meline. A courageous conversation can create an atmosphere of patient listening that blends the elements of mercy and truth, thus facilitating deeper communication. The practice is designed to deepen thought around race and race relations as they relate to schooling: Level I — Memorization. Gain the knowledge and skills to understand and examine the impact of race on student achievement. h޼��o�H���yl��O��D�&唤��],?�a����k���5^ Search. o help you continue this important dialogue in classrooms across your district ulic onsulting roup has partnered ith renoned euity epert lenn ingleton to ring his aardinning protocol . Race matters—in our nation and around the world. Description: CCAR TM Practitioner Affiliate candidates will be trained to use the Protocol for Courageous Conversations About Race and embed this into their current practice and job functions. Sign In Create Free Account. COURAGEOUS CONVERSATION™ is our award-winning protocol for effectively engaging, sustaining and deepening interracial dialogue. UNCW Human Resources - Learning & Talent Development Today’s Agenda & Suggested Full Cycle Performance Plan Timeline. Title: Courageous Conversation 1 The Academy. 1. As leaders in the church, how do we plan and facilitate these courageous conversations? There is no curriculum license nor observation and live feedback at your site. One definition of intimacy is “in to me see.” When we look through another person’s eyes and try to see as he sees, we can begin to understand why he is behaving the way he is behaving. The Four Agreements of Courageous Conversations A key component of the Courageous Conversations protocol is the Four Agreements, rules for engaging in these challenging discussions. Stay engaged: Staying engaged means “remaining morally, emotionally, intellectually, and socially involved in the dialogue” 2. Courageous Conversations™ is an “award-winning protocol for effectively engaging, sustaining and deepening interracial dialogue” developed by researcher and educational consultant Glenn Singleton (Courageous Conversations, n.d.). Embracing these agreements will allow educators to engage, sustain, and deepen interracial dialogue. King, a consultant with the San Francisco firm Pacific Education Group, was there to lead the group of educators, … The Four Agreements Courageous Conversations Protocol 2. Educational Leadership & Policy Studies, University of Northern Colorado, B.A. On a personal level, this can be a conversation with your spouse, your parent, your sibling, or friend. %PDF-1.5 %���� Singleton’s passion for equity flows to and through his civic life as well. Communication and Press Inquiries: Robert's Rules of Order. You may not always get the outcomes you want, however, if you keep having courageous conversations your relationships in your professional and personal life will thrive and prosper. These representatives of various professions, regions, and life experiences work together to design curriculum, facilitate seminars, and coach leaders to use Courageous Conversation ™ in their personal and professional lives. Courageous Conversations Protocol: Focus on YOUR experience. COURAGEOUS CONVERSATION™ is our award-winning protocol for effectively engaging, sustaining and deepening interracial dialogue. endstream endobj startxref American Institutes for Research. Using Familiar Designs, Political Signs Urge Voters to Remember Police Brutality Victims, To Create Racial Change, Advertising Must ‘Envision a World That Doesn’t Exist’, Latinx Leaders Advancing Educational & Racial Equity, COURAGEOUS CONVERSATION™ & PACIFIC EDUCATIONAL GROUP, Director of Pre K-12 District Partnerships, Administrative Assistant - Master Scheduler, Executive Assistant to Director of PreK-12 District Partnerships, Equity Program Manager of Government/NGO Partnerships, University of Pennsylvania, B.A., Communications, Stanford University, M.A., Education: Administration & Policy Analysis, University of Colorado-Boulder, B.A., English, University of Colorado-Denver, M.A., Administration, Curriculum and Supervision, San Francisco State University – BA in Social Science & Ethnic Studies, San Francisco State University – Standard Elementary Credential, San Francisco State University – MA in Educational Leadership, University of Minnesota, B.A., Spanish with a Minor in Latin American Studies, University of Minnesota, M.A., Second Languages and Cultures, University of Minnesota, Certificate in PK-12 Educational Administration, Superintendent Licensure, Minnesota State University, Mankato, University of Washington-Seattle, M.S.W., Social Work (Health), Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker Associate, LSWAIC, State of Washington, University of Colorado-Boulder, B.S., School of Journalism, Metropolitan State University of Denver, B.S., Criminology/Criminal Justice, California State University-East Bay, B.S., Kinesiology, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, B.S. Conversations with the amount of passion and anxiety that they are likely to produce will result in indigestion if proper attention has not been given to the full context. core values. First, you must establish a framework. 39 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<80CE35D26AB6410CE41FAA32C3126EC8><9F953DE68A381941AB549886920C3BF3>]/Index[19 37]/Info 18 0 R/Length 101/Prev 158227/Root 20 0 R/Size 56/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Continuing Courageous Conversations Meeting Sign-In Sheet . endstream endobj 20 0 obj <> endobj 21 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSets[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 22 0 obj <>stream are critical in establishing a safe space. Ken Martinez, Psy.D. By describing three central principles to Courageous Conversation leadership, this seminar will introduce a protocol to discuss race, build racial consciousness, and promote the type of equity that will inspire workers to bring their whole selves to the job and do their best work.” Tweet; Search for: Recent Posts. The Fourth Condition of Courageous Conversation asks us to use the Courageous Conversation Compass to determine the place of engagement at which each participant in … • Acknowledge what has happened and the pain many people are feeling at this time. COURAGEOUS CONVERSATION™ serves as the essential strategy for systems and organizations to address racial disparities through safe, authentic, and effective cross-racial dialogue. The 7 keys help you to prepare to have successful courageous conversation. Adaptive Leadership for Equity. We can call those Courageous Conversations, because they oftentimes require so much courage to handle. The language and protocol of Courageous Conversation™ are used throughout the NSCC. Courageous Conversations. Opening Prayer (3 minutes) Overview and Goals (5 minutes) Hymn Micro Groups (10 minutes) Special Called General Conference Overview (5 minutes) Video – Parable for Today (5 minutes) Personal and Large-Group Reflection (5 minutes) Video – Patricia and Matt(8 minutes) Small-Group Talk Back (10 minutes) Break (5 minutes) Small-Group Time (20 minutes) Large-Group Reflection (12 minutes) Closing Prayer (2 minute… h�b```g``�d`a`�������b�@̱�\CH�Q��l����0p00E��B@,��{�ׄM��"��χo4�I;X������f`���{ تM 19 0 obj <> endobj ProMISE Protocol Using the Courageous Conversation Compass with a Text Adapted from Judith Gray’s Four ”A”s by Debbie Bambino, Daniel Baron, and RoLesia Holman, June 2007. Promote cultural responsiveness with this updated edition of the highly acclaimed bestseller that explains the need for candid, courageous conversations about race so that educators may understand why the achievement gap in education exists and learn how they can develop a curriculum that promotes true educational equity and excellence. %%EOF The alternative to having a courageous conversation is to tread the path of least resistance, which involves ignoring or avoiding the subject altogether. Courageous Conversations about Race. In the work environment, this can be a much-dreaded conversation with your boss, with your colleague or with a client. We cannot hope to eliminate the racially predictable outcomes of our lives unless we first discuss race and racism in a way that is earnest, honest, and sustainable. This is the central question that Glenn Singleton, creator of the Courageous Conversations protocol, poses to readers in his book, Courageous Conversations About Race: A Field Guide for Achieving Equity in Schools (2015). MAT Elementary Education Trinity University, Washington, D.C. University of California-Santa Cruz, B.A., Sociology. Courageous Conversations – A How To Guide Introduction. Title: ProMISE Protocol - Using the Courageous Conversations Compass with a Text: Attribution [acf_ProtocolInfo_Attribution] Description: Use the "compass" from Courageous Conversations About Race to reflect on the author's perspective and your response to a text morally, intellectually, socially, and emotionally. To participate effectively in interracial dialogue about race, the first step is to commit to honoring and practicing the Four Agreements of Courageous Conversation. Judy Ringer is the author of Unlikely Teachers: Finding the Hidden Gifts in Daily Conflict, containing stories and practices on the connection between Aikido and conflict.As the founder of Power & Presence Training, Judy specializes in unique workshops on conflict, communication, and creating a more positive work environment. Case study on St. Paul Public Schools, which has stayed on track with the Courageous Conversation protocol and framework; NEW! COURAGEOUS CONVERSATIONS FRAMEWORK “The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to speak openly and candidly on the subject of race.” -Hon. Adjust as needed. Pacific Educational Group partners with individuals and organizations to offer services both online and on location. Five Topics. Confrontation . He is the founder of the Foundation for a College Education of East Palo Alto, California, an agency responsible for the collegiate admission and graduation of hundreds of students. We engage in sustained partnerships featuring training, coaching and consulting with organizations to transform beliefs, behaviors, and results so people of all races can achieve at their highest levels and live their most empowered and powerful lives. It was originally developed Singleton (M.Ed., Stanford) to support adults in having the conversations necessary to make progress on difficult subjects such as … Thus, preplanning a Courageous Conversation with a design team and an introductory lesson just to build relationships might seem like a lot of additional work, but your efforts here will be highly rewarded! In March 2016, Singleton launched the first Institute for Courageous Conversation – in Auckland, New Zealand. Contact Information. That is, the need … An important element of the Courageous Conversations protocol is the Four Agreements, rules for participating in these difficult discussions. African American Studies, The University of St. Andrews, Bobby Jones Scholar, Wesleyan University, B.A., Latin American Studies, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, Ed.M., Teacher Education, The Graduate Center: City University of New York, Ph.D., Urban Education, Wesleyan University, B.A., Sociology and Latin American Studies, The University of Chicago, M.A., Social Sciences, B.A., Business Management, Texas State University, Professional in Human Resources, Human Resources Certification Institute, San Jose State University, B.A., Psychology, B.A., Early Childhood and Elementary Education, Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, Florida, M.Ed, Educational Leadership, West Georgia College, Carrollton, Georgia, BS in Finance, University of Maryland, College Park. Through our Framework for Systemic Racial Equity Transformation, PEG is dedicated to helping individuals and organizations address persistent racial disparities intentionally, explicitly, and comprehensively. This platforms allows you to continue growing in your Courageous Conversations practice and application … To participate effectively in interracial dialogue about race, the first step is to commit to honoring and practicing the Four Agreements of Courageous Conversation. Community guidelines (I prefer this phrase to “ground rules” – most of us do NOT want more rules!) In this article we offer some useful tips and guidance on courageous conversations, including how to know when to have one, how to raise it, and how to get the most out of it.. Skip to search form Skip to main content > Semantic Scholar's Logo. Now what? Glenn Singleton explores how race affects your students’ lives and your professional practice. 26 Aug. 2016. Courageous Conversation Protocol Overview (9:42) 2. There is no curriculum license nor observation and live feedback at your site. The protocols and language used on this site as it refers to "Courageous Conversations" refers to the work done by Glenn Singleton and the Pacific Educational Group. Courageous Conversations Difficult conversations that move relationships, organizations, or schools forward in a respectful, constructive, and action-oriented manner. Deepen your understanding of the need for personal racial consciousness and the importance of engaging in the Protocol for Courageous Conversations about Race. Links to video segments of the author describing the work; REVISED! Web. E. ngagement, P. erformance, D. evelopment, and . A good framework should have a group covenant, a trusted facilitator, and conversation plan. Hundreds of thousands of people have learned The Courageous Conversation About Race Protocol ™ from Pacific Educational Group’s diverse and dynamic staff. Single- A broader scope of work now addresses race in higher education, corporations, non-profits, and law enforcement in Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, as well. We seek to unite people of all races to engage in the most effective precipitant of social change: authentic, sustained and compelling intra- and interracial dialogue. Page : 1: Introductory Materials : About the Toolkit : The purpose of the : Continuing Courageous Conversations : Toolkit is to provide support and tools for participants to take one or more “next steps” after the : Race: The Power of an Illusion (RPI) learning exchange. Gabriel Joshua Gima We believe systemic racism is the most devastating factor contributing to the diminished capacity of all people, and especially people of color and indigenous people, to achieve at the highest levels. R. etention of Our Employees. 1. To that end, we have developed Courageous Conversation™, a process to understand and discuss race explicitly. Confront - to bring something to the forefront, bring a topic up for discussion. ontinue the conversation aout race and learn more aout ho racial disparities impact students in your district. In short, a candid examination of race matters takes us to the core of American democracy. Even without taking the course, learning these four chords can shed light on what it takes to progress in a race conversation. One definition of intimacy is “in to me see.” When we look through another person’s eyes and try to see as he sees, we can begin to understand why he is behaving the way he is behaving. 5) Increasing participants’ comfort level in engaging in courageous conversations 6) Encouraging participants to commit to take some additional action following the learning exchange The Toolkit is intended to be introduced at the RPI follow up meeting to reinforce the learning, comfort A Courageous Conversation is a tool that helps to resolve relational conflict. Director, Communications Without this depth of openness, participants will be unable to achieve the racial consciousness, racial discourse, and internalisation of Protocol necessary to have productive, generative discussions about race. Description: CCAR TM Practitioner Affiliate candidates will be trained to use the Protocol for Courageous Conversations About Race and embed this into their current practice and job functions. Deal with your EGO. Sort out your ego. It fractures our communities and erodes the support and nourishment we would otherwise receive from them. Glenn Singleton has devoted over thirty years to constructing racial equity worldwide and developing leaders to do the same. Courageous Conversation vs. The Four Agreements Courageous Conversations Protocol 2. Embracing these agreements will allow educators to engage, sustain, and deepen interracial dialogue. 1. "The City’s leadership team has used Pacific Educational Group’s training and the Courageous Conversation protocol effectively to launch our racial equity work. Description Use the “compass” from Courageous Conversations About Race to reflect on the author’s perspective and Estimated Timeline The following is based on a 90-minute time frame. We ask that NSCC participants who are not practiced in the Agreements, Conditions, and Compass of Courageous Conversation™ to meet this prerequisite in one of the following three ways: Attend the two-day pre-Summit Beyond Diversity™ Seminar. Robert, Henry Martyn. The Starting Point to Continuous . Sharing these concepts and approaches with our partners, Saint Paul Public Schools, has created a level of trust and understanding around racial equity we didn’t have before." your own Pins on Pinterest As always, you're fully responsible for any actions you take as a result of reading this newsletter. To participate effectively in interracial dialogue about race, the first step is to commit to honoring and practicing the Four Agreements of Courageous Conversation. And we all dread them. In this article we offer some useful tips and guidance on courageous conversations, including how to know when to have one, how to raise it, and how to get the most out of it.. Acknowledging and supporting a brave space at work is critical for having courageous conversations. Courageous Conversation; 2 Courageous Conversations . �����������f�0P�%�KJ���B���3�O�K�YT�h�@0�r��̃f $�9ehB[�Y�r�1>��{�P�Ŝ^ �ӻ+`������@����s���U��շ㺨}*�_\��1B���GK)��3��r�o �k���:lux��s��ͼ�m��M��//�o��K����Ls�R��Xe�����M9���=6��b�p]��e5��O�.���p9�Li\���X. ProMISE Protocol Using the Courageous Conversation Compass with a Text Adapted from Judith Gray’s Four ”A”s by Debbie Bambino, Daniel Baron, and RoLesia Holman, June 2007. Beginning Courageous Conversations about Race Glenn E. Singleton and Cyndie Hays As Cornel West wrote in Race Matters: 1 Race is the most explosive issue in American life precisely because it forces us to confront the tragic facts of poverty and paranoia, despair and distrust. Perhaps this is a good time to say having Courageous Conversations can lead to bankruptcy, prison, death, or even worse. Title: ProMISE Protocol - Using the Courageous Conversations Compass with a Text: Attribution [acf_ProtocolInfo_Attribution] Description: Use the "compass" from Courageous Conversations About Race to reflect on the author's perspective and your response to a text morally, intellectually, socially, and emotionally. Elementary Education, University of Northern Iowa, M.A. Toolkit Introductory Materials . in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), Teachers College, Columbia University, Emory University, B.A. Even without taking the course, learning about these four agreements can shed light on what it takes to make progress in a conversation about race. The Latinx Summit for Courageous Conversation is our annual convening of Latinx people to build capacity for racial equity leadership in the United States and beyond. A brave space is inclusive to all races, sexes, genders, abilities, … 0 In this course, you'll learn how to use the Compass and the Four Agreements, two components of the Protocol for Courageous Conversations About Race You will explore the need for personal racial consciousness … 55 0 obj <>stream Objective Provide chapter presidents (CP) and chapter advisors (CA) with tools for courageous conversations to address behaviors which are inconsistent with GF? Capacities, calls for school leaders to engage in “courageous conversations”. 5 Dialogue vs. The mission of the Courageous Conversation Global Foundation is to elevate racial consciousness through interracial healing. N.p., 2011. Activities and checklists for school and district leaders; REVISED! Human beings experience the world in different ways. To become a Certified Practitioner, participants will be guided to delve into authentic, honest, and courageous self-reflection. A key component of the Courageous Conversations protocol is the Four Agreements, rules for engaging in these challenging discussions. Beyond Diversity: Courageous Conversations About Race District staff participate in Beyond DiversityTM, a two-day seminar designed to help leaders, educators, students, parents, administrators and community participants understand the impact of race on student learning and investigate the role racism plays in institutionalizing academic achievement disparities.

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